‘Learning at home’ is the learning which happens in the home, outdoors or in the community. It can take place through everyday activities that families already do and can overlap with aspects of active learning undertaken with parents, family members or peers. Scottish Parental Involvement Officers Network, 2018

Parents and families play a key role in encouraging a child to experience a wide range of opportunities.  The role of parents in helping their child to learn at home will change as they get older and become increasingly more independent. Learning at home activities can help raise a child’s attainment. Some suggested learning at home activities might be:

  • encouraging your child to play with letters or numbers
  • drawing your child’s attention to sounds and letters
  • teaching your child nursery rhymes or songs
  • playing with toys and games together
  • playing board games together
  • reading with your child and read to your child
  • discuss books and films
  • create imaginative stories together
  • visiting libraries, museums, galleries
  • encouraging and helping your child to cook a meal and/or set the table
  • allowing your child to help you with DIY jobs around the house
  • researching a topic of interest on the internet, in a library or from other sources
  • teach your child how to play games such as chess
  • teach your child how to knit or sew
  • showing your child how to play a musical instrument
  • Involve your child in gardening, baking, cooking and outdoor learning.
  • encouraging your child to take part in activities, for example hobbies or clubs which will provide opportunities to develop a range of skills
  • discuss money with your child, add money and work out change
  • discuss how credit and debit cards work